Summary of minutes from meeting on 13.06.19.
(circulated on 18th July)
Demolition will be down to ground level by mid-July. On-site crushing of material to be used as base platform for piling will commence end June and will mean less traffic movements in Winchester Road. There will also be some minimal vibration during July as existing foundations are broken out. The use of rotary piling should be quieter than demolition has been.
Monitoring: noise monitoring to be added to dashboard report with 24 hour rather than 15 minute average readings. Suggestions were made about scale and colouring of dashboard report graphs. New graph versions and guidance on analysing environmental monitoring data, will be offered at the next CWG meeting.
Breaches of noise and pollution levels: the council holds an enforcement meeting every Monday and if incidents persist without being addressed, the team takes action.
Vehicle movements: a banksman is to be stationed on the corner of Eton Avenue and Winchester Road and various monitoring and mitigation methods are being considered. All current policies will be continued when the main contractor takes over.
Parkland Licence: disappointment that it had been granted but at least it would mean fewer vehicles in Winchester Road. It was confirmed that the cherry trees will not be removed and the land will be re-instated on completion of the development. The Hampstead statue will be relocated to the main road by the Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre in accordance with the listed consent and planning permission. Suggestions for its orientation would be welcomed by EL.
AOB: The market-side entrance to the tube station requires a protection deck which will be installed over a two week period in mid July between 1am and 5am, with materials being delivered beforehand.
Next meeting 18th July 2019.