1. Purposes
The purposes of the Association are:
- to advise and support members of the Association collectively, and where appropriate individually, in the promotion and protection of their concerns in the area;
- to advise and support Belsize residents collectively in the promotion and protection of their interests;
- to advise and where appropriate support local resident groups within Belsize:
- to act to maintain, defend and improve public services within Belsize;
- to foster a sense of community within Belsize;
- to encourage the formulation of local area resident groups within Belsize to protect their particular interests and to liaise with the Association through representative membership.
The interests of members and residents are taken to include: public services and amenities; planning, development and conservation; public transport, traffic and parking.
The Association will not align itself with any political party.
2. Membership

Belsize Garages – credit: Luke Collins
3. Officers and Committee
The Officers of the Association shall consist of a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. The day-to-day running of the Association will be in the hands of a Committee of up to twelve members who shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting. At its first meeting following the AGM the Committee shall elect from among its elected members a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and such other officers as may be appropriate. These appointments shall be notified to members.
The Committee shall have powers to co-opt members up to the maximum number. Five members shall constitute a quorum and members who have been absent without notice for three consecutive meetings may be asked to resign.
The Committee shall meet at least six times during the year.
4. General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held annually in the spring with three weeks notice to members. The business of the AGM shall be:
- to receive a report from the Chairman on the activities of the Association and the Committee over the preceding year;
- to receive for approval a financial statement and report from the Treasurer;
- to elect from nominations received prior to the AGM up to twelve Committee members to serve for the following twelve months.
A minimum of ten members shall have the right to require the Committee to call a General Meeting with a minimum of seven days’ notice to members. Additional general meetings will be held as required to determine policy and for other purposes which the Committee thinks useful.
Last amended in November 2007.