Political Status: The Belsize Society is a non-political body. Our policy statement on our non-political status can be seen here.
Data Protection: to see the data we hold on you, what we use if for and how we process it, see here
Donations Policy: BelSoc is not a grant-giving charity but, as an activity ancillary to its charitable purposes, it has been the Society’s practice from time to time to make donations that are in accordance with the Society’s general aims. Please see full details here.
Conflicts of Interest: In line with recommendations from the Charity
Commission, the Trustees and Committee of the Belsize Society, maintain
a policy on conflicts of interest for Trustees, Committee members, and
members of the Society. Please see here.
Planning: In commenting on planning applications we generally attempt to ensure that Camden Council abides by the policies set out in the latest national, London and Borough plans and its own latest policies and guidance which can be found here and in the Belsize Conservation area statement, available here.
Basements: The Belsize Society consistently opposes basements that extend beyond the footprint of the existing building or are deeper than one storey. BelSoc is a member of Combined Residents Association Advisory Committee (CRAAC) a federation of Residents’ Associations campaigning to strengthen Camden Council’s policy formulation and implementation in this area.
Locally listed buildings: The BelSoc supports Camden Council’s local list of buildings, street features and landscapes that make a valuable contribution to the local area and are entitled to special protection within the planning process. Following its successful campaign to prevent the demolition of architecturally important buildings at 2c and 2d Belsize Park Gardens, the BelSoc, alongside other local associations, lobbied Camden Council to create the list and nominated a number of local buildings for inclusion. More information is available here.
Estate Agent Boards: The BelSoc supports Camden Council’s decision to ban estate agent boards from 10th July 2020 in all Camden Conservation Areas and Town Centres. If you wish to report a board in these areas, please contact planning@camden.gov.uk or Gary Bakall (020 7974 5618) at Camden Council, giving the exact address of the property affected and the name and telephone number of the agent as it appears on the board, as well as your own address. Boards should normally be removed within two weeks of notifying the council. A fuller explanation of these rules and details of the areas covered by the ban, is available here.
Trees: The Society works to maintain the benefits Belsize gains from many mature trees in our streets and private gardens. In Conservation Areas, any severe pruning or felling of a tree requires permission from Camden Council. This also applies to trees with preservation orders (TPOs). We encourage members to be aware of the condition of trees in their neighbourhood and anyone who is concerned about a particular tree or trees can contact Camden Council’s Tree teams. Contact details can be found here.The BRA reviews all tree applications and our response is reported to the monthly BRA Committee meetings and noted in the Committee Minutes.
Streets and Transport: The BelSoc works to strike an appropriate balance between the needs of walkers, cyclists, drivers and public transport users and to seek the best solutions for Belsize residents. We raise issues of concern with Camden Council and aim to respond to all consultations undertaken by the council on issues likely to be of concern to members. These may include issues such as licensing policy, gambling policy etc. Responses are formulated by the committee having regard to any comments they may receive from members. Current council consultations are listed here.
Hustings Policy: The Belsize Society aims to hold a hustings for local elections to Camden Council. For our hustings policy, see here
Constitution: Our constitution can be found here