Local News

Posted on 9/2/2021


Camden Art Centre was established in 1965 as a place for making, viewing and discussing art.  It has launched an online archive of selected exhibitions and projects from 1991 – 2020.   For audio, video and lots of fantastic pictures, go to https://archive.camdenartscentre.org/archive.

From the Camden Council Safe Travel team

The team have let us know that information about all current safe travel schemes (primarily making cycling and walking easier), and the rationale for them, is available at: https://www.camden.gov.uk/making-travel-safer-in-camden with opportunities to comment and provide feedback on “trial” schemes currently in place here: https://safetravelcamden.commonplace.is/. The latter site contains FAQs which may be of interest to members. Any new schemes that come forward, including in the Belsize area, will be subject to a consultation period prior to any “trial” or “experimental” initiative being introduced – and in this area the Belsize Society (and local residents) would receive consultation information.